What Does Your Logo Say About You??
A logo is a symbol or emblem that conveys your brand identity to others in just a glimpse. Cleverly designed logos portray the nature of your business- are you fun? Serious? Innovative? Or something different? An immersive logo is a scrupulous integration of colours, fonts, symbols and graphics that reach out to the customers and reside in their memory for the years to come. Professional Logo Design Company like Citro do the same for you. A first impression is definitely the best impression; and for a lasting impression, a logo should be both meaningful and eye-catchy.
Different types of Logos:
A “logo” can stand for logotype or a logomark.
A logotype is a word or a company name written in a unique and stylized way. Google, Disney, and Lenovo are written are all trademarked logotypes.
A logomark is a graphic, symbol, or other identifying marks that don’t contain any words. Nike’s swoosh and the bitten apple that represents Apple computers are both logomarks.
Combination marks contain both text and a graphic symbol (like the Sprint logo), and emblems, which are a specific type of combination mark that incorporates text into a visual element (like the NFL shield or the Starbucks crest).
What are the most important attributes of a logo?
What Does A Logo’s Color Say?
Is it any surprise that, in any logo, color is one of the most important elements? After all, color has been shown not only to affect people’s mood but also their buying choices when they shop.
Colours have an immediate impact on the minds of the people. It can affect their emotions and strike a chord the next time they purchase a similar product. For eg, food joints prefer the colour red as red stands for excitement, boldness and hunger while you can see that many corporates favour blue as it symbolizes calmness, strength and security.
What Does A Logo’s Font (Typeface) Say?
If you want a logotype or combination mark, the logo’s font or typeface should be given significance. The words that make up the name should be professionally designed and typeset; if it is a logotype, font is probably the only way to represent you. Technically a typeface is what we normally refer to as the font. As you are aware, there are plenty of fonts to choose from. Just like colours, fonts have to be hand-picked to fit the nature of your business.
What does a logo’s symbol say?
This is probably the hardest part as a symbol can be anything from the real world or something that is conjured from the imagination of a professional and creative designer. Your creativity is the only limit to your symbol.
Is it necessary to have a symbol?
Of course, it isn’t mandatory to have a graphic or a picture as your logo, or even as part of it. A symbol can be easily recognized since there are no language constraints. A visual symbol can also be incorporated if you are creating a mobile app. But one should choose a symbol only after thorough research as the same symbol/ icon/image can have different interpretations across various cultures. A symbol-only logo may not sometimes be popular enough to be recognized without any associated text.
The best symbols also have the power to convey your story. For e.g., the Instagram symbol, a small, square-shaped camera, does exactly that.
And in all aspects of logo design, it’s important to make sure your logo can be shared and reproduced on a wide variety of advertising mediums and materials including websites, letterhead, and promotional products. Contact Citro, one of the Best Digital Agency in Dubai who provide stunning graphic designs and logo designs along with other related services.